Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Year, A New Me

I'm not going to even awknowledge that past. I will leave it at that.

Ok, that's not me to just leave it at that. But, all I will tell you is that I have been through so much more than I ever imagined with him. Just when it couldn't get worse. I have seen through him for once in our three year relationship. He is not the man I feel in love with. Violence, partying, girls-yes I said girls, and a lack of ambition to save my dying heart is all that has corrupted him. OOO my poor dying heart. Enough of that.

I am taking my 2010 New Year's resolution very serious. Normally I would think what fun I will have on that night only, I have full intent of making and keeping them!!

I have started a list (please no judgements):
  • Eat healthier. OK, ok, this one may not come true, but I will try.
  • Be wiser. What I mean is think of what my actions will do to me 2 minutes after I have made them; think them through.
  • Be a doer. Plain and simple when I say I'm going to do something, well dammit I will do it right then and there!!!!!!
  • Find my dreams. From this whole experience with you know who, I have come to realize that my dreams are in the midst of a forest and I will find them myself. (I'm trying to be more profound these days.) And I will admit, as much as it may seem weird, but I will continue to look at wedding blogs and houses for me and absters in the future.
  • Write as often as I can on here. I can only achieve my career dreams by writing.
  • But most of all, Love more. Smile more. Laugh more. Be more curious. Be more cautious. Be more proud. Be more humble. Be more silly. Be more mature. Be more financillay savy...and plain and simple don't spend ridiculous amounts of $$$$ just for a one night outfit!!!